Your Back To School Season Printing Suppliers
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Back to school season is coming, even though the start of school feels a lot different this year. Based on what we’ve seen so far in the past year, home/dorm room printer will still be a key role in your studying period.


Delta Instead Of COVID-19 Impact On Education

If you are a student — or a parent of one — you have felt the impact of the coronavirus first hand. COVDI-19 turned the educational system upside down, resulting in hodge-podge online classes for the past few months of the school year.


Although the most of citizens got their second dose of vaccine, they are still exposed to the new virus-Delta.


Now we are gearing up for a new school year, which, at best, will begin as a half virtual / half in-class model.


That means your home printer is needed now more than ever!


Printers During Pandemic

Based on 2020, students will be giving their printers a workout this school year. Virtual classrooms mean you will be printing out worksheets and study guides at home. As much as we love saving paper, it is easier to learn new information if it is in print. However, don't forget about ebooks!


So keep your printer clean and well maintained. Clean your rollers. Stock up on more cost-effective toner-Starink. Do not get caught trying to print out a term paper and your toner runs out! Pick up some back to school printer paper, too.


Keep your toner cartridges are properly stored and cleaned. If your printer is acting wonky, consider resetting your printer to its factory settings.


Keep your printer cartridges clean!


Lower Your Printing Costs

Save yourself money by using a low-consumption font, like Garamond or Courier. You will print more pages before your ink or toner runs dry! In addition, consider other factors that influence cost per page, to save even more on print costs. It is not the office manager’s responsibility to reorder printer supplies. Those expenses come out of your pocket when you work from home, so tighten up those print costs! Get those ink and toner cartridges to last longer!


Do not run out of toner for your laser printer!

What Kind Of Printer Do I Need?

Back to school printer sales are everywhere this time of year. If you print at the home office you might want to consider a multi-function printer.  


You cannot be too careful these days. Bone up on printer security.


The debate between inkjet printers and laser printers is eternal, those we think laser printers are the clear winner.


Either way, stick with compatible supplies provide lower cost with the same printing performance. Get the best back to school printer deals on compatible ink and toner cartridges from Starink.